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发表于:2010-07-21 11:27:32     作者:solarcreator 来源:solarbuzz

2010年前半年,欧洲光伏市场由即将到来的年中光伏刺激计划电价下调以及2009年的组件价格下调影响。根据Solarbuzz公司最近的欧洲市场调查显示,“尽管终端市场有着极强的需求——2010年上半年德国市场需求比2009年下半年高1/3,但是光伏组件价格的提升仅在6月份出现过”solarbuzz公司的欧洲市场副总Alan Turner提示道。

15.07.2010: The pace of the European solar photovoltaic (PV) market in the first half of 2010 was dominated by the impending mid-year incentive tariff reductions in Germany and conditioned by the lower module pricing that emerged through 2009, according to the latest from Solarbuzz(R) in Europe PV Markets 2010. “Despite the strength of end-market demand, which was one-third higher in Germany in the first half of 2010 than in the second half of 2009, the first PV module price increases of 2010 only emerged in June,” noted Alan Turner, Vice President of European Market
Research for Solarbuzz. “Even then, the increases in euro terms only partially compensated for the deteriorating price picture in dollar terms caused by the euro’s dramatic decline against the dollar. Such is the strength of supply growth in the PV industry.” …



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