昱辉阳光为马萨诸塞州的Cummings Center提供太阳能光伏组件

来源:solarbe发布时间:2012-09-14 09:47:14作者:solarbe
    浙江昱辉阳光能源有限公司(“昱辉阳光”或“本公司”)(NYSE:SOL)是一家全球领先的太阳能硅片和电池组件制造商,今天宣布已与Cummings Properties签约,将向后者出售512KW高品质、高效太阳能光伏组件,Cummings Properties是马萨诸塞州著名的提供全方位商业房地产开发和物业管理机构之一,它将在Cummings Center的屋顶安装太阳能光伏系统。Cummings Center位于马萨诸塞州比佛利,是一个拥有百万平方英尺的企业园区和零售中心。
  根据协议,昱辉阳光将在本月给Cummings Properties提供512KW的305W多晶组件。Cummings Center的屋顶太阳能光伏系统设计和建造,以及昱辉阳光太阳能光伏组件的集成,都将由Cummings Properties完成。
  至目前为止,Cummings Properties已完成6个太阳能屋顶项目,总量约为1MW,同时约有1MW的额外项目正处于规划或建设阶段。
  昱辉阳光首席执行官李仙寿先生说:“Cummings Center是美国东北部最重要的商业房地产标志之一,我们很高兴能将自己的产品融入其中。该中心的知名度很高,将有助于提高昱辉阳光在该地区的品牌形象,同时也展示了我们太阳能组件的高品质。该项目体现了我们对美国市场的承诺,尤其是在马萨诸塞州,我们期待有机会扩大这里的市场”。
ReneSola Solar Modules to Power Landmark Commercial and Retail Development
ReneSola to Provide Solar Modules for Cummings Center in Beverly, Massachusetts
ReneSola Ltd (“ReneSola” or the “Company”) (NYSE: SOL), a leading global manufacturer of solar modules and wafers, today announced it has contracted to sell 512 kilowatts (“kW”) of its high-quality, high-efficiency solar modules to Cummings Properties, one of the most prominent full-service commercial real estate development and property management organizations in Massachusetts, for use on the rooftop solar system of Cummings Center, a two-million square foot corporate campus and retail center in Beverly, Massachusetts. 
Under the terms of the agreement, ReneSola will ship 512 kW of its 305 watt (“W”) poly modules to Cummings Properties this month. Design and construction of the center’s rooftop solar system, as well as integration of ReneSola’s solar modules, will be performed by Cummings Properties. 
To date, Cummings Properties has completed six rooftop solar projects totaling approximately 1 MW, with roughly 1 MW of additional projects in construction or planning phases. 
Mr. Xianshou Li, ReneSola’s chief executive officer, said, “Cummings Center is one of the most significant commercial real estate restorations in the northeastern United States, and we are excited to be a part of it. The center’s high visibility will help enhance ReneSola’s brand image in the region and demonstrate the high quality of our solar modules. This project underscores our commitment to the U.S. market, particularly in Massachusetts, and we look forward to opportunities to expand our presence there.”
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