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曲线飞行——First Solar携手中广核共同开发鄂尔多斯项目快速打开中国市场

来源:Solarbe.com发布时间:2011-01-25 00:18:25作者:索比太阳能



曲线飞行——First Solar携手中广核共同开发鄂尔多斯项目快速打开中国市场
A Curving Flight--First Solar Cooperate with CGN for Ordos Project to open up Chinese Market

摘要:First Solar改变了合作方式,转为提供组件,由中广核负责EPC工作,借助中广核在中国的资源将使其工作进展更加顺利;First Solar未来在中国的业务方式可能将以销售组件  为主;项目三方都在期待上网电价出台; 未来并网问题仍待在内蒙古政府协调下解决;几年内First Solar成本将降到66美分/瓦以下;First Solar 总裁宋博思在结尾时用了“一如既往”和“灵活机动”这两个词来对鄂尔多斯和中国业务做了定位,他们选择了一种更聪明的方式来进入中国市场。

2010年对于First Solar来说喜忧参半:光伏市场迅猛发展但薄膜电池受多晶硅价格下降影响市场份额下滑,不过年底出台的各种不利政策会使低成本的First Solar再次成为赢家;最近的一次电子材料和设备中禁止含有包括镉在内的的六种有害物质的调查中,First Solar以其良好的组件回收机制获得了欧盟的认可,在11月24日的投票中, First Solar再次通过了销售许可,欧盟议会宣布将光伏组件排除在禁止范围外;之前进展缓慢的鄂尔多斯项目在First Solar转变思路后,选择了与中广核合作共同开发鄂尔多斯的一期项目,同时收购了跟踪系统公司RayTracker,提高了系统安装能力,增强了未来在包括美国在内的全球市场的系统安装能力,转变市场战略的First Solar逐步适应,前景更加海阔天空。

此次First Solar转变了以往的思路,从项目EPC转为组件供应商,放弃了在美国承建电站的思路而采用了同德国一样的销售组件的市场战略。选择与中广核合作,有效地打开局面,但目前尚未得知谁会为鄂尔多斯项目买单,宋博思也诚恳的希望中国的补贴政策能早日出台。

由于身处话题中心,此次First Solar拒绝对外评论“301”法案,同时对于与中广核的后续合作也并未给出明确答复,但本刊认为,转变思路的First Solar未来在中国的业务应该是一帆风顺的,借助中广核在中国的基础和渠道,比中国组件成本更低的First Solar将成为少数享有中国市场这块蛋糕的外国组件厂商。First Solar,正在表演曲线飞行,It’s ShowTime!

本刊此次对First Solar总裁宋博思、营销和产品管理执行副总裁TK . 卡伦巴赫及鄂尔多斯项目的具体负责人,中国区代表白凯文做了专访,并对薄膜的弱光发电和受温差影响较小的特点能为业主带来多少额外电力、First Solar目前生产情况做了后续调查:据德国能源集团JUWI2009年的调查报告显示,同样功率的碲化镉薄膜组件年发电量比晶体硅组件高3. -5.7%;2012年First Solar产能将达到惊人的2.742GW。

右侧国家名称对应的颜色块代表First Solar在此国家所设立工厂的光伏模块产能。下面是年份,从2005年至2012年 (预估)。2011年虚线标出的两个色块代表在对应的两个国家(马来西亚和德国)即将扩大的产能。按目前进展预计,马来西亚的两家新建工厂将于2011年第一、二季度投产。德国的工厂扩建也进展顺利,预计将于2011年三季度投产。


First Solar 总裁 宋博思 (Bruce Sohn)
First Solar 营销和产品管理执行副总裁TK . 卡伦巴赫 (TK Kallenbach)
First Solar 战略及市场运营部 中国区代表白凯文 (Kevin J. Berkemeyer)

First Solar 总裁 宋博思:

宋博思:我们今天正式宣布,First Solar将和中国广东核电公司太阳能开发公司共同开发鄂尔多斯项目的第一期30兆瓦的示范项目。First Solar公司一直以来致力于将太阳能发电价格降到和传统能源价格有竞争力的水平。我们同样致力于将最新的技术带到中国。我们的目标就是能够长期的在中国发展,将中国市场的太阳能价格降到和传统的化石能源具有竞争力的水平。今天与中广核公司签署了谅解备忘录,汇合了两家的优势,是强强联合。First Solar公司带来了全球领先的太阳能组件制造技术,我们的专业技能,我们在全球开发太阳能电厂的经验和实力,同时,中广核太阳能公司在中国具有丰富的经验,对中国的电网更加熟悉,我们可以携手更好地建设鄂尔多斯发电厂项目。

与中广核的合作伙伴关系是First Solar在中国战略非常重要的一步。一年半之前,吴邦国委员长访问First Solar时见证了我们和鄂尔多斯市政府签订的将在未来10年内建立2吉瓦鄂尔多斯太阳能项目谅解备忘录。本次和中广核太阳能公司的合作是上一个谅解备忘录的自然延伸,也是2010年中国政府批准我们就30兆瓦一期试点项目开展预可行性研究报告的自然延伸和扩展,为我们在年内开工建设该项目打下了一个扎实的基础。

Shine(光能)杂志:此次备忘录签署,是否意味着First Solar由鄂尔多斯项目的运营商变成这个项目的技术和设备的提供商,为什么出现这种变化?

宋博思:今天签署这个谅解备忘录,实际上是我们在世界其他地方典型做法的延伸。First Solar公司在欧洲和北美,开发了很多类似的项目,我们做项目的过程中,都是致力于将我们非常领先、独特的技术带给这个项目,而由其他的公司来进行电厂的建设和运营。所以今天我们的发布,也是这个传统模式的自然延续,能更好的集中两家公司各自擅长的专业能力和商务模式。



第二个委员会是更加高层的委员会,它主要是讨论在中国未来的潜在的设立生产、制造厂家的可能性。今天我们可以说,我们已经有过这样的讨论。但现在更重要的是我们要讨论一下中国市场未来的发展情况,我们要确定这个市场发展到一定程度在经济上是可行的,有足够大的市场。不仅支撑中国国内的太阳能组件产能的消化,包括像First Solar这样的国际厂商进来之后,市场也能够有所容纳,我们要考察之后再有所决定。


Shine(光能)杂志:有人说First Solar的项目进展不是很快,有一个原因是中国政府想插手设备采购,我想问一下这个是不是真的?另外中广核进来,是不是意味着双方达成妥协,First Solar是否想借助中广核在中国的影响力,使上电网更加方便一点,因为中广核是几大电力之一。如果这个项目建成,是否有合适的电网让First Solar电站顺利的并到国家电网上去?



TK•卡伦巴赫:我想针对前面几个问题,介绍一些背景,这样我们可以更清楚的了解情况。我们和中广核建立战略合作伙伴关系,双方都有有非常明确的角色定位。First Solar一直以来都是高技术的太阳能光伏组件的生产商,是一家高科技公司,有专业的技能生产太阳能设备,这是我们核心的使命和任务。我们在不同的市场有不同的商业模式,因为尽管是销售组件,我们也需要有实际的项目,能够接纳、采纳、购买我们的组件。所以我们的活动是不一样的,比如在德国,我们只是销售、提供组件,由其他公司开发项目,其他公司进行项目工程购买、设计、建设、运营等等,我们都不参与,而只是卖组件。在意大利我们自己做项目开发,但是是由别的专业公司做工程设计、建设等等。当然我们还会销售组件,提供设备。在美国我们也会做项目开发,有时候也做工程设计,也同时提供组件。所以商业模式不是一个,是适应当地的情况进行调整的,更好的在当地产生效果,符合我们的愿望与期待。



宋博思:首先我确认一下,现在全球没有一个市场的大规模太阳能电站项目,能够在没有政府补贴的情况下进行不亏损的运行。First Solar公司当然是一家技术很强的公司,我们希望成为第一个将太阳能技术达到无需补贴的情况下,和传统化石能源发电技术有竞争力的公司。但目前我们还没有实现这一点,我们有一个未来的蓝图,将在未来三到四年内,将技术降到和传统能源发电技术一样的程度,实现电网平价,这是我们对未来的一个展望。






Shine(光能)杂志:目前最大的光伏市场是在欧洲,但欧洲目前面临的一个趋势,政府补贴正在逐年递减,这样欧洲市场将面临不断缩小的趋势。在这种情况之下,First Solar公司觉得未来的世界光伏市场将走向哪里?集中在哪些国家或者地区?



Shine(光能)杂志:去年有些公司叫停了薄膜业务,我想问问First Solar怎么看待薄膜市场的未来?

宋博思:应该说薄膜技术是一种高度专业化、需要很强工程的实力、需要应用非常深奥的基础科学的成果组合起来的技术,是一种非常复杂的技术。不仅仅在实验室中进行培育就可以了,要真正产业化、进行大规模的生产,特别是如果需要把它进行高质量低成本的生产的话,需要解决更多工程方面的难题,这是一个很高端的技术。First Solar工程团队也花费了很多年,不断提高技术实力,不断精化我们的技术才得到了今天的成果。但是我们认为技术开发出来之后,这个技术有很多的优势,不仅在技术规格上达到相关指标,符合相关的要求,并且有很好的成本结构,不断降低成本,并且进行可持续的发展。所以我们认为薄膜技术将持续成为在太阳能市场上的一种更加优越的技术,在光伏市场上具有更高优越性的技术,因为成本比较低,有很高的发电产出,能源效率高,整个性能也不错,并且有很好的环保优势,对环境的影响比较少。

最后我想来点评几句,2010年,全年,First Solar公司共销售高技术含量的光伏组件高达1.4吉瓦,First Solar参与工程建设的太阳能电厂有150兆瓦。2011年我们计划销售数量会达到2吉瓦,并且参与施工建设超过300兆瓦的太阳能电厂。每个电厂,我们都不是独立开发的,都有一个合作伙伴进行电厂开发,合作伙伴通常是一些大型的、知名的、受到人们尊敬、能力很强的电力发电公司,像NRG、EDF等等这样的全球知名电力公司。今天我们将中广核加入到合作伙伴的列表之中,同样它也是很知名、大型、受人尊敬的电力公司,我们期待双方可以共同努力实施鄂尔多斯项目,从而取得在中国市场的成功。我们对鄂尔多斯项目会一如既往地、灵活机动地去实施它,谢谢。

Shine(光能)杂志:目前最大的光伏市场是在欧洲,但欧洲目前面临的一个趋势,政府补贴正在逐年递减,这样欧洲市场将面临不断缩小的趋势。在这种情况之下,First Solar公司觉得未来的世界光伏市场将走向哪里?集中在哪些国家或者地区?



Shine(光能)杂志:去年有些公司叫停了薄膜业务,我想问问First Solar怎么看待薄膜市场的未来?

宋博思:应该说薄膜技术是一种高度专业化、需要很强工程的实力、需要应用非常深奥的基础科学的成果组合起来的技术,是一种非常复杂的技术。不仅仅在实验室中进行培育就可以了,要真正产业化、进行大规模的生产,特别是如果需要把它进行高质量低成本的生产的话,需要解决更多工程方面的难题,这是一个很高端的技术。First Solar工程团队也花费了很多年,不断提高技术实力,不断精化我们的技术才得到了今天的成果。但是我们认为技术开发出来之后,这个技术有很多的优势,不仅在技术规格上达到相关指标,符合相关的要求,并且有很好的成本结构,不断降低成本,并且进行可持续的发展。所以我们认为薄膜技术将持续成为在太阳能市场上的一种更加优越的技术,在光伏市场上具有更高优越性的技术,因为成本比较低,有很高的发电产出,能源效率高,整个性能也不错,并且有很好的环保优势,对环境的影响比较少。

最后我想来点评几句,2010年,全年,First Solar公司共销售高技术含量的光伏组件高达1.4吉瓦,First Solar参与工程建设的太阳能电厂有150兆瓦。2011年我们计划销售数量会达到2吉瓦,并且参与施工建设超过300兆瓦的太阳能电厂。每个电厂,我们都不是独立开发的,都有一个合作伙伴进行电厂开发,合作伙伴通常是一些大型的、知名的、受到人们尊敬、能力很强的电力发电公司,像NRG、EDF等等这样的全球知名电力公司。今天我们将中广核加入到合作伙伴的列表之中,同样它也是很知名、大型、受人尊敬的电力公司,我们期待双方可以共同努力实施鄂尔多斯项目,从而取得在中国市场的成功。我们对鄂尔多斯项目会一如既往地、灵活机动地去实施它,谢谢。

A Curving Flight

--First Solar Cooperate with CGN for Ordos Project to open up Chinese Market

Abstract: First Solar has changed cooperation mode to start to supply solar modules, EPC is charged by CGN Co., with whose recourses in China, First Solar can develop more smoothly; First Solar may take solar module supply as the main business in China; All the three parties are looking forward to the policy for on-grid price; The problem for combining to the grid in future still need to be coordinated by government of Inner Mongolia; Within years, First Solar will cut down the cost to less than 66cents/w; Bruce Sohn, CEO of First Solar, fixed the position for First Solar business in Ordos and other parts of China by two words:”Consistent”and ”Flexible”, They have chosen a much wiser way to enter into Chinese market.

Year 2010 is mingled hope and fear towards First Solar: the PV market is flourishing while thin film solar cell market drop down affected by the descent price of poly silicon, however, various unfavorable policies appeared in end of year will still make First Solar the winner again; In recent investigation that electrical material and equipment is forbidden to contain six hazardous materials including cadmium, First Solar was recognized by the EU with its qualified module recovery mechanism, and through the voting in 24th Nov, First Solar get the sales permission once again, European Parliament announced that PV modules is excluded of the scope of the prohibition; First Solar changed strategy to cooperated with CGN to speed up the develop the first phase of the project in Ordos, meanwhile, they have purchased Rayracker company who is focusing on tracking system so to improve the ability of system installation even strengthen the future global system installation including America. First Solar has gradually adapted to such a market strategy change and will see a much brighter prospect. In addition, First Solar start to focus on the module supplier rather than project EPC and start to sell modules in accordance with German market strategy rather than building power station in America. Choosing CGN as its partner has efficiently opened up the situation, but who will pay the bill for Ordos project is still unknown, Song Sibo hopes that the Chinese subsidized policy could come into being as early as possible.

Involving in “301” topic, so First Solar refused to make any reviews, and they do not give a clear answer towards the following cooperation with CGN, while author believe that after changing strategy, First Solar will have a smooth development in China, with CGN’s power and resources and its super lower cost will make First Solar share more China market. First Solar, curving flight, It’s ShowTime!

Shine Magazine has done the exclusive interview towards Bruce Sohn (CEO of First Solar), TK Kallenbach (Executive Vice President of Marketing and Product Management) and Kevin J. Berkemeyer (China Representative, Supervisor of Ordos project), and make follow-up investigation towards how much extra power could be brought to clients with the specialty of thin film’s low-light power system and less effect by temperature difference and also the present situation of First Solar production: it is reported by German Energy Group JUWI2009 that with same power rate, the generating capacity by cadmium telluride thin-film modules is 3-5.7% higher than by crystalline silicon module; In 2012, First Solar capacity will achieve to a surprising number—2.742GW.

On the right side, different color shows First Solar local plant solar module capacity in different countries;

Period in the bottom: since 2005 to 2010(E). The dashed line marked in 2011 shows the planning expanded capacity (in Malaysia and German)

It is planned that two new plants in Malaysia will put into production in the first two seasons of 2011; and German plant will put into production in the third season in 2011.

Interview Record as below:
Interviewer:Shine Magazine
First Solar CEO: Bruce Sohn
First Solar Executive Vice President of Marketing and Product Management: TK Kallenbach
First Solar Strategy and Market Operation Department, China Representative: Kevin J. Berkemeyer

First Solar CEO: Bruce Sohn:
Thank you for this chance and I would like to introduce the lately news of First Solar.

Bruce Sohn:
We officially announce today that First Solar will cooperate with CGN to develop the first phase of Ordos 30MW demonstrate project. First Solar has been committed to low down the cost of solar power generation to the competitive level of conventional energy price. We also committed to bring the most advanced technology to China. We aim to have a long term development in China and make the cost of solar power generation in China market to the competitive level of conventional fossil energy price. We have signed the Memo with CGN today, to combine both sides’ advantages and to achieve win-win progress. First Solar owns the global top technology for solar module production, the professional skills and the experience and strength in developing solar power plant in global; while, CGN owns rich experience with China market and China power grid. The cooperation between both side will make efficient promotion to Ordos project.

To cooperate with CGN is a very important step to First Solar in the whole developing strategy in China. One and a half years ago, The Chairman Wu Bangguo visited First Solar, and he witnessed the signed the understanding memo between Ordos government and us which shows in future ten years to realize 2GW solar project in Ordos. So this times’ cooperation with CGN can been taken as the natural extension for that understanding memo, also the natural extension of the approval by Chinese government in 2010 towards the 30MW project feasibility report. It has laid a solid foundation for the open up of this project.

Shine: Does this memo mean that First Solar has changed from the operator of Ordos project to the supplier of technology and equipment? Why dose this change appear?

Bruce Sohn:
Actually, we sign this understanding memo is just an extension of similar case in other place in the world. First Solar has developed many similar projects in North America and Europe. During the operation, what we aims to is bringing our advanced and special technology into the project, and the actual construction and operation will be taken by other companies. So today our announcement for this memo is also an extension of traditional mode, better combined the advanced professionalism and business ability of two companies.

Shine: It seems a very different view compared with our last interview in November 2009. Why does this happen? I remember at that time, the plan is to build two committees, one is in charge of project construction and the other is for the production and operation of the technology plant. I’d like to know the present status of these two committees.

Bruce Sohn:
I really appreciate that you still clearly remember the content in the last meeting. The first committee represents those partners with very good relationships, like our company, Ordos government, and Hangjinqi Government (project location) and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government. We have very close cooperation with each other, to make our technology and project well understand by all which can play an important role in edit the feasibility report. It is just a concept and under the cooperation of all parties it has come into true report and finally get approval which shows the fruit from the first committee.

The second committee will be a much higher stage, which mainly discuss the possibility to set up potential manufacturer in China in the future. Today we can say, we have had such discuss. While the more important thing is to discuss the developing trend of Chinese future market, We need to confirm that the market development to a certain degree should be feasible in economy level and the market should be big enough. It can digest China’s solar module capacity, but to some extent can also accept those international companies like First Solar. So we need to investigate and make decisions.

Our experiences are global, but may not be suitable for local. So we need to find a good partner to realize and finish this project. For this reason, we invite CGN to this committee to develop this project together, combine advantages from both sides and reach win-win progress, aim to achieve a higher quality project development.

Q: some people say that the development of the First Solar is slow, and there is a reason that the Chinese government plans to meddle equipment procurement. I wonder if it is true. Another question, the participation of the CGNPG means the both sides have reached a compromise? Do you think there is the idea of the First Solar to make a little convenient for the linkage of the electricity grid by the aid of the wide influence of the CGNPG in China? Because the CGNPG is one of the major electric powers, so if the project is completed, is there an appropriate power grid to make the First solar merge into the state grid successfully?

Bai KaiWen: Thank you! First of all, for the question of the development of the project, in the process of the project implementation, we haven't changed our aim until now. That is, we will make all the efforts to build a high quality world-class solar power station project in China. In the implementation process, the next crucial and natural step is to introduce the strategic partners like CGNPG. This is our project planning. At present, we have finished this step. So it is a very natural process, I think this can be the answer to above two questions.

With regard to the third question, we have reached an agreement with the government of Ordos. It will build the solar energy project by two auspicious watts in next ten years. The goal will be realized by 2020. The municipal government leadership of Ordos showed us their ambition, far-sight and vision. They wanted to build a new energy zone in Ordos city including not only solar, but also wind, biomass energy etc. The local government leadership also expressed to us that they will provide appropriate and proper infrastructure for project. And also there will be some related services, for instance, making these new energy merge into the grid and on the net in ways that are necessary.  This is the plan for the next decade, also is the goal. We have got some support, and I believe that the Internet is can be solved.

TK•卡伦巴赫(Karen Bach): I want to introduce some background for the front several questions, so that we can understand the situation more clearly. We establish strategic partner relationship with CGNPG, and we both have the clear role positioning. First Solar is always the manufacturer to produce high technology Solar pv modules, and it is a high-tech company, specialized to produce Solar equipment. This is our core missions and tasks. We adopt different business models in different markets. Although the project of component sale, we also need to have the actual project to accept, adopt and purchase our components. So our activity is not the same. Such as in Germany, we just sell and provide components, and other companies will develop projects and purchase the projects,and also they take charge of design, construction, and operation of the project. We will not participate in these activities, but only sell components. In Italy, we ourselves make the project development, but other engineering design and construction will be accomplished by the other professional companies. Of course we'll sell components and provide equipments. In the US, we will also do some development work, and sometimes do the engineering design, while also we provide components. So business model is not only one pattern, it should make some adjustment by the local situations, so as to get the better effect and accord with our desire and expectation.

In China, we decided to build the cooperative partnership with CGNPG after the investigation. We may also establish a joint venture to develop projects together. Of course, we will provide solar energy components. Meanwhile, we also provide skills. They will do the main development and construction of the project. But we will provide them with the global experience and relevant engineering design experience so as to help them accomplish project better. The establishment of cooperative partnership with CGNPG is a natural and logical step for the Chinese strategy, but not the compromise, and also we are not required to do so. This is only for our consistent desire and habits to find such a good partner, and this is surely a natural step.

Q: It will be difficult for the photovoltaic power stations without the subsidies in China. At present, it still cannot reach parity online. Which kind of subsidy form will be adopted by the Chinese government to the project? If no subsidies, how to determine the plan in the next decade? How to ensure the interests of the owners?

Song Bosi: first I want to confirm that, without government subsidies, there is no one large-scale solar power project can be in operation without loss in the world until now, First Solar companies of course is a technology company, we hope that we will become the First competitive company having the Solar technology without subsidies compared to the traditional fossil energy power technology. But now we haven't realized this. We have a future blueprint, we will realize the superiority of the solar technology to the traditional energy power generation technology, in the next three to four years, and realize grid parity. This is our prospect for the future.

About the economy, we can not say if it is economically feasible, because we haven’t got the final result for the project. For the government subsidies, we believe that it is necessary, because it can give a period of time to the enterprise for the sustainable development in order to achieve the economic feasibility. So the cost will be reduced step by step. The goal to do the pilot project in China is to construct and strengthen the market in economy and then develop and cultivate the market. During the cooperation with the Ordos municipal government, we hope to obtain a good demonstration value by the construction of this kind of solar power project. The participation of the CGNPG make the project to be a typical example cooperated by an American company, Chinese company and local government. It will be benefit for us to enhance our strength, so as to make solar projects more financially viable for a long term.

Q:This is the first thin film solar project in China. The cost of thin film is much lower than polysilicon. And in this project, what is the specific investment of per Watt? We know the conversion rate of thin film is lower, and what’s the specific number? Will the cost be the greater challenge?

Song Sibo: Thank you for your question! We are glad to have the chance to share our unique technology advantages with you all. There are many advantages of our technology. First of all is that the process is very fast and it is very simple and convenient. The whole production process is enclosed, in which only need to put into the class. Two and a half hours later, these two pieces of glass will be coated with semiconductor material and be packaged. After put into the production boxes, they can be transport to the customers, it is so fast. The raw silicon material used in the whole production process is only very small part of that in polysilicon technology, which is much less than semiconductor materials. Thus it will certainly reduce the cost. The photoelectric conversion efficiency is rather high. It can in different circumstance convert light to power and the total cost can be said the lowest in the world. Till Q3 last year, we published the production cost statistics that is 77cents per watt and the conversion rate is 11.2%. We are expected to reduce it in 3 to 4 years based on our technology to below 60 cents. Of course, per watt module cost is only one aspect of advantages of technology. There are also some other matters, such as, the production rate is relatively high, it means, power generate rate is high. For our thin film solar module has the property, which is different from the tradition polysiliocn tech. It is with higher generation efficiency with lower cost in the poor sunlight and high temperature situations.

On the other hand, we have the advantage that when consider the cost, we also take into the consideration the whole project life line cycle. That is to say, the other tech property is it can generate more modules with smaller consumption of energy, which we usually called short energy payback period. What’s more, we also have the advantage in environment protection. First solar is the first company that implement for pre-paid recycling mechanism after the expiration of the production cycle. That is to say, after the expiration of the production cycle, class and semiconductor materials can be recycle. We will make them purified and re-product and the recycle cost has been paid previously. So we created a circular economy mode—recycling, environment protection and cost reducing.

So we are very glad to answer your question. We have answered why we come to China and why we chose China Guangdong Nuclear (CGN). What we brought to China and our partner is the advantages in unique technology and professional ability. That is unique in the world and we hope to bring that to Chinese market.

Q: What are the reasons for choosing CGN as your cooperation partner? In the future projects, do you have think about develop other partner? If so, do you have some standards for them?

TK • Karen Bach: Of course we have some standards in choosing cooperate partner in Ordos project. Actually, we have communicated with many power and electric companies, including some state-owned enterprises in June and July last year. We had to know what they think of us and our project. Finally, we choose CGN, for we think CGN is the best and the most appropriate one according to our select standards. It is not limited at economic aspect. We need to choose one who will help us realize that project. There are also other matters, such as, whether they have such experience? The 10MW solar project in Dun Huang has provided CNG some successful experience.

About the future, we’ll also keep to cooperate with other partners. And we will cooperate with them to develop the potential in renewable energy. We will not only think about the economic power when choosing partner. That is not the only matter. We will take into account the following aspects: whether it can promote the renewable energy and the long-term and sustainable development of new energy? Whether it can make the price of green energy easy to accept?  That is the most important standards we choose partners in the future five years. We will cooperate with CGN for a long time. We won’t leave in the near future.

Q: Currently, the biggest PV market is Europe, but Europe now is having a trend that the governments cut the subsidies year by year, so that Europe will face a shrinking situation. In this case, in First Solar’s opinion, where is the future direction of the global PV market? Will focus on which countries or regions?

TK Kallenbach: What you just said is correct, indeed, some European countries are discussing about take back or cancel the FiT, other countries have similar discussions. But we believe that cutting or canceling the FiT policy may not be a bad thing for our industry. Our CEO Bruce Sohn just said that also, the subsidies can not be permanent, it will be canceled sooner or later. The purpose of subsidies is only to help the industry matured gradually, foster a better market, the subsidies can not be existed forever. The subsidies are to make the sustainable development of the industry, and make it work at economic aspect in short-term. Therefore, our company do not mind about the subsidies are being reduced gradually, we think this situation is inevitable, sooner or later, the solar power generation technology will integrate other power generation technology, and make the industry more competitive.

But in many regions of the world, due to the different light radiation and natural conditions, the subsidy model is not the same, too. Such as the southwestern of United States is currently developing rapidly, mainly due to the subsidies are not only in the electricity price aspect, and also have the policies of tax cuts or tax-free for the investment or the loan guarantees, and such policies are enough to drive the market started or even blooming. Therefore, in our opinion, for the next five years, the North American market will be developed gradually, as well as India, Australia and China, those regions have strong light radiation, the natural conditions are much better than Europe. In some places, in case of large demand for the electricity or the existing traditional fossil energy sources, such as coal, can not meet the demand, solar energy can serve as a good supplement. Or in some places, there are strong alternative for the traditional energy power plant, or in some places, using the expensive traditional energy sources, such as diesel fuel, in those places which the energy prices are expensive, the solar energy will have a place.

Q: Last year, some companies have stopped the thin film business, what’s your opinion about the future of thin film technology?

Bruce Sohn: Thin film technology requires highly specialization, strong engineering strength and profound basic science come together, is a very complex technology. Can not be tested only in the laboratory, need industrialization and large-scale production, especially if it needs high-quality and low-cost production, then need to solve more difficult problems about the engineering aspect, this is a high-end technology. The engineering team of First Solar has spent many years to improve the technical strength and refine our technology constantly before we get today’s results. We think that the technology has many advantages, not only meet the relevant targets and requirements for the technical specifications, and have a good cost structure, continue to lower costs, and enable to sustainable development. Therefore, we believe that thin film technology will continue to be a superior technology in solar PV market, due to the cost is relatively low, and the output of power generation and energy efficiency are high, and advantages in environmental protection aspect.

A few comments in the end, during the whole 2010 year, First Solar sales 1.4 GW of high-tech PV modules, and constructed 150 MW of solar power plant. In 2011, we expect to sale 2 GW, and construct over 300 MW of solar power plant. Each power plant, we are not developed independently, there are a partner, and usually, the partners are large, well-known, respected and strong power generation companies, such as NRG, EDF, etc. Now CGNPC become one of our partners, and CGNPC is a large, well-known and respected power generation company, we look forward to complete the Ordos project together, and obtain success in Chinese market. For the Ordos project, we will implement it in a flexible way as always, thank you.


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