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发表于:2010-07-01 14:30:07     作者:索比太阳能 来源:solarbe

努力控制预算赤字,西班牙政府现在已经计划减少入网补贴关税税率。然而,消息发出来,另外一个选择是限制光伏工厂运营时间。这可能会导致对主要的光伏拥有者和开发者来说是笔损失,特别是自从计划将会包括小区里大部分安装设施,在2007 和2008年10月开始。将会有3GW的安装。

西班牙国家能源局局长,Pedro Marin Uribe 说,光伏产能已经满足西班牙光伏产业协会人员会见并谈论这一政策转变。


Struggling to control its budget deficit, the Spanish government has been targeting ways to reduce feed-in tariff rates retroactively. However, information has surfaced that another option is to limit operating hours of PV plants. This could result in significant payment reductions to solar power plant owners and investors, especially since plans would include the majority of installations in the country, which took place between 2007 and October 2008. This would impact 3GW of installations.

The Spanish Secretary of State for Energy, Mr. Pedro Marín Uribe, has already met with the Spanish PV Industry Associations to discuss the move.

Concern is mounting that any retroactive decision would significantly impact the PV industry and investors and could influence other EU countries' future support for solar energy. Any such move would result in legal proceedings against the Spanish government and could see legal action taken at the EU level as well.




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