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发表于:2009-06-18 11:44:31     作者:索比太阳能 来源:浚鑫


Jetion Holdings, a designer, manufacturer and supplier of solar cells and modules, has dismissed CEO Roger Lijin Gai together with three senior managers of the Chinese trading subsidiary ‘for breaches of their service contracts and fiduciary duties’.

According to a statement, the board learnt that Gai, together with the three managers, are the operators of a business in direct competition to Jetion, a business that produces and exports solar modules. Jetion claims that Gai failed to disclose to the company that his wife was a shareholder in the competing business, while current close relatives of the three managers are also shareholders.

Jetion’s board has, however, stated these have not had a material impact on the finances and business operations of the company.

Non-executive chairman Gabriel Kow will become interim CEO until a new CEO is appointed.

‘Whilst the board is confident that by its rapid and decisive action it has averted any significant adverse effect on the company and its business from these unhappy events, trading conditions continue to be very challenging. Sales volumes are substantially ahead of last year but unit sales prices are some 40 per cent down on the previous year and, although this is offset to some extent by reductions in input costs, the board now believes profit for the year will be below its previously held expectations,’ the company said in a statement.




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