established a new world record in efficiency for mini-modules made from perovskite semiconductors. to translate academic research into technical progress that can help these new materials contribute
established a new world record in efficiency for mini-modules made from perovskite semiconductors. Perovskite academic research into technical progress that can help these new materials contribute to meeting our needs
new solar farms nearing completion(《威尔森的新太阳能电站接近完工》)的报道,介绍了中国光伏企业协鑫新能源控股有限公司在美国北卡罗来纳州威尔森市投资建设的光伏电站进展 The Wilson Times题为Wilsons new solar farms nearing completion的报道原文:
索比光伏网讯:导语Bloomberg New Energy Finance发布2017年第一季度全球光伏组件Tier 1名单,隆基乐叶强势亮相! 2月17日,全球知名研究机构彭博新能源财经 (Bloomberg New Energy Finance,简称BNEF)公布了2017年第一季度光伏组件制造商分级,隆基乐叶获评Tier 1一级组件供应商。彭博是全球商业动态、金融信息和财经资讯的领先