蓝宝石结晶系统订单。订单来自Jiangsu Jixing New Material Co., Ltd和九江赛翡科技有限公司。这两份订单的年产能合计约为800万片两英寸当量(TIE)的蓝宝石基板 。
“Jiangsu Jixing New Material Co., Ltd和九江赛翡科技有限公司是我们两个宝贵长期光伏客户的关联公司。GT Solar很高兴他们已经选择了我们的蓝宝石结晶设备用于他们的
in development and commercialization of Konarka Power Plastic, a material that converts light to energy is a patent-protected thin film solar material that converts light to energy. The unique material
products, has selected Applied Material's SmartFactory?manufacturing automation solution to optimize manufacturing, enabling customers to monitor all work-in-progress material movements, manage production
” The self-cleaning technology involves deposition of a transparent, electrically sensitive material on the surface of the panel and energize the material when dust concentration reaches a critical level.
of polysilicon — a key material of semiconductor wafer and solar cells. The company has over 3,000 employees and annual revenue of more than $2.5 billion.
solar cells.The change to nickel can reduce the cell's already low material costs by 40 to 80 of a semiconductor material that are created using low-cost, high-throughput chemical reactions in liquid
devices utilize a semiconducting material coated with cesium to boost efficiency levels up to 60 percent devices require only a small amount of semiconducting material, making them cheap. Melosh’s team
the material. At the core of the framework are molecules called phthalocyanines, a class of common with another organic material to form light and flexible solar cells.
"This framework developed