Solon and Saint-Gobain Building Distribution完成了框架合同签署,几年以后,太阳能看到光伏组件会超过70MW的发货量,SGBDD的Solar Kauf 品牌 ,包括所有所需光伏产品去安装太阳能电力系统,将会从Solon那提供光伏组件。
“这是两个强大的品牌的结合。 与Saint-Gobain Building Distributon建立销售网络,将使我们
索比光伏网讯:Solon and Saint-Gobain Building Distribution完成了框架合同签署,几年以后,太阳能看到光伏组件会超过70MW的发货量,SGBDD的Solar Kauf 品牌,包括所有所需光伏产品去安装太阳能电力系统,将会从Solon那提供光伏组件。“这是两个强大的品牌的结合。 与Saint-Gobain Building Distributon建立销售网
and deliver the standard technology platform solution for mass manufacture of building work well while facing the sun, dye solar cell-based products allow all sides of a building
and photovoltaic cells and modules, has developed the SolarIris line of building conference in Munich, Germany.
Building on its years of expertise in BIPV, Solarfun says
, if only a reduced one, even on cloudy days,
But FPL is building its "thermal" solar plant on a campus , because the utility won't have to spend millions of dollars building a generator for the solar