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发表于:2016-05-04 09:54:26     来源:索比光伏网





Risen Sponsors the 2016 China PV Tech Summit

The new China PV Tech Summit is an industry platform disseminating information and experience between technological specialists within the solar PV industry. Held by Energy Magazine, this year in Beijing on 28th April, Risen had the double honor of being both a sponsor and an industry qualified speaker within the forum.

Mr. Yuan Huazhi, Risen’s Technical Manager, delivered a paper qualifying the benefits of one of Risen’s newer products titled “High-Performance Double Glass PV Module Application”. The detailed presentation ranged through techno-commercial topics including, the market opportunity, where to use, application of current and future technology within this format, and detailed benefits to the purchasers and end users. He further explained that the dual glass concept has existed for many years, however, with significant technological advances and changes in cost structures, the double glass module was now ripe for the market. Of particular note was the ability of this structure to outlive the more typical solar PV modules that we are familiar with.

In all, the Summit was a great success; many existing relationships were strengthened, and many new technical collaborations formed. Risen was gratified to be associated with such a gathering that facilitates development and innovation.

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