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来源:Solarbe.com发布时间:2011-09-08 15:42:34作者:索比太阳能



Shine:刘珊珊(Sunny Liu)

编者按:美国加利福尼亚州的太阳能系统装机量继续保持领先,在2010-2015年期间,新增安装量预计可达7.5 GW。如果这个预测是准确的,到2015年装机总量将达到8.4 GW。IHS的分析师Michael Sheppard认为这归功于该州对太阳能产业积极的政策支持以及充足的日照时间。

今年,加利福尼亚州的光伏装机量将达到967 MW,这个数字将是所有州中最高的, 预计到明年,可再生能源所产生的电力可达1.2 GW。相比之下,与加利福尼亚大小差不多的州,如新墨西哥州以及亚利桑那州,同一时期的安装量预计只有300 MW左右。除去太阳能发电量排名前十的州,余下40个州的光伏装机量加起来总共才有395 MW,只有加州的三分之一。

加州:First Solar550MW光伏项目获批

美国内政部长Ken Salazar已批准被称作为沙漠阳光(Desert Sunlight)的太阳能电站项目,该550 MW的太阳能发电项目将建于加利福尼亚州沙漠东部的棕榈泉地区。这个太阳能光伏项目在建设高峰期将创造超过630个就业机会,并可为当地经济注入约3亿3600万美元资金。当沙漠阳光项目建成时,可以满足超过16.5万个家庭的用电需求。


该项目占地约4100英亩,将由First Solar的子公司——Desert Sunlight控股有限责任公司负责开发和运营。该项目将使用First Solar公司的薄膜光伏技术,在发电过程中没有废气排放、废物产生,也不需要用水,该技术还是光伏技术中碳排放最少的。

在6月份,美国能源部向Desert Sunlight提供了18.8亿美元的有条件的贷款担保。该项目位于沙漠中心以北约6英里,预计可为当地经济带来3.36亿美元的间接效益,其中包括1.97亿美元的工资。项目的施工期将超过三个季度,运营期则为25年。该项目还可为河滨县带来约2700万美元的销售额及税收。

沙漠阳光项目是内政部优先处理的对公共土地的可再生能源发展申请,着重于全面的环境分析以及公众审查。自2009年3月份政府决定优先发展可再生能源项目后,这是第12个被批准的太阳能项目。7月份,Salazar批准了加州的两个公用事业规模的太阳能发展项目,一个位于俄勒冈州的风能项目,以及一个位于南加州的传输线项目,总共将创造超过1300个建造业职位,发电能力550 MW。

加州:Blythe 500MW项目放弃CSP转投光伏

1 GW Blythe太阳能项目的第一阶段500 MW工程将使用光伏发电代替太阳能热发电(CSP)。Solar Millennium公司以及其在美国的子公司Solar Trust一起宣布了这个消息。其原因是目前光伏市场以及美国的商业贷款市场对于光伏项目更为有利。



Solar Millennium和Solar Trust公司在一份声明中表示,他们目前正在与知名的光伏电池板制造商以及工程、采购和施工承包商进行洽谈,但并未透露这些厂商的名字。在声明中,Solar Millennium的首席执行官Christoph Wolff表示:“Solar Millennium对市场条件的反应快速且务实,目前加州市场更利于光伏发电技术的发展。我们在美国市场采取的决定性策略将使公司和股东的价值最大化。”早在今年4月份,美国能源部曾为该项目提供了21亿美元的有条件的贷款担保。


太阳能热发电市场是Solar Millennium公司的主营市场,该公司表示还会对CSP技术保持关注,公司的长期战略没有改变。非洲、中东、印度以及中国市场对太阳能热发电技术的需求不断增长。同样,南欧市场的需求也有所增长,公司刚刚在西班牙完成了第四个CSP电站的融资。

加州:8minutenergy、Gestamp共同开发335 MW光伏项目

8minutenergy Renewables和Gestamp Solar公司与加利福尼亚帝国灌溉区(IID)签署了公共事业级的光伏发电互连协议(GIA),将共同开发335 MW的光伏项目,这335 MW将分为五个独立的光伏项目。该项目据称将是帝王谷地区第一个同类项目,投资2.5亿美元,用以改善IID地区的电力条件。总体而言,该项目预计将创造超过1000个建筑职位,并在帝国郡创造55个永久性职位。

首个将要建设的项目为50 MW的Chocolate Mountains电站项目。Chocolate Mountains位于索尔顿湖附近,完成后,占地面积可达320英亩,可满足超过25000个家庭的电力需求。

项目的施工、调试、并网预计在2012年第四季度或者2013年初完成。同时,Calipatria II项目也将于15个月后完成。这个项目由两个50 MW的系统组成,完成后占地面积近600英亩。其他项目的细节尚未披露。目前也不清楚将采用哪个设备制造商,以及项目的总投资。但声明显示,项目将被建造在低生产率的灌溉农田。

总体而言,8munutenergy公司目前正在开发12个公用事业规模的光伏项目,项目规模在50-200 MW之间。这些项目预计可以创造23亿美元的总经济产出以及240个就业机会。

加州:巴克莱资本投资2.3 GW的太阳能项目

K Road Power公司宣布,将与巴克莱天然资源投资公司(BNRI)合作,开发一系列公用事业级的太阳能项目。K Road公司目前正在开发11个电站项目,总值接近2.3GW。

位于加利福尼亚州San Bernadino县的850MW Calico太阳能项目将成为世界最大的光伏电站项目。Calico项目由Tessera Solar公司于2010年12月卖与K Road公司,交易价格并未透露。在购买该项目时,K Road公司决定购买750MW的光伏组件,而不是完全依赖太阳能热技术。另外一个350 MW的Moapa项目位于拉斯维加斯,政府也加快了该项目的推展进度。

加州:为低收入家庭提供2 MW住宅项目

美国加州圣巴巴拉县房委会(HACSB)为863个低收入家庭安装了住宅用太阳能系统。该项目是美国由公立基金资助的规模最大的光伏经济适用房项目,耗资1225万美元。该项目由SolarWorld公司发起,并使用了7200个该公司生产的组件。太阳能系统的安装在圣巴巴拉县的21处地点展开。另外有三家电力公司也参与到项目的建设之中。本土公司Planet Solar负责项目的安装。

SolarWorld美国公司的总裁Kevin Kilkelly在宣布项目完工时表示:“SolarWorld很高兴能参与这个项目,使社会的低收入家庭也能从太阳能技术中获益。”此前,SolarWorld公司曾参与了加利福尼亚州的经济适用房光伏项目。该公司声称其制造的太阳能电池板已经在该国的低收入项目中广泛使用。8月18日,在圣巴巴拉县北部城市举行了项目的剪彩仪式。

在美国,一共有约3200个类似的太阳能项目,而该项目据称是规模最大的一个,获得了600万美元的联邦资金贷款。众议员Lois Capps强调,经济适用房光伏项目不仅能为社会创造就业机会,同时可为低收入家庭提供收益。“这些太阳能电池板的安装创造了高薪就业机会,同时在今后几年降低了圣巴巴拉县的家庭能源消费支出。”

内达华州:150 MW太阳能项目扩产

美国加利福尼亚州公用事业公司太平洋天然气和电气公司(PG&E)宣布,该公司与Sempra Generation公司达成协议,合作开发一个150 MW的光伏综合扩产项目,该项目被称作铜山项目(Copper Mountain),位于内华达州,将使用First Solar公司的地面安装薄膜组件。这个占地1100英亩的太阳能电站预计在2012年开始建设。首期92 MW的项目预计可于2013年1月份完成,余下58 MW预计在2015年完成。PG&E公司有权将第二期项目提前动工。

此次合作将使该电站的发电量提高三倍,Sempra Generation公司的Jeffrey W. Martin表示:“铜山太阳能二期项目将使我们在2015年完成1000 MW可再生能源的计划又更近了一步。”

圣地亚哥的Sempra Generation公司与First Solar一起安装了48 MW的铜山太阳能项目的第一期项目,该项目目前是该国最大的光伏发电站,于2010年年底完成。


新泽西州:10 MW太阳能项目开工建设

Lincoln可再生能源公司(LRE)开始在美国新泽西州建造一个10 MW的太阳能项目。新泽西州的橡树太阳能项目(Oak Solar Project)将于今年晚些时候完工,该项目位于坎伯兰县的Fairfield Township地区。项目占地100英亩,将使用55000个光伏电池板。

LRE公司在一份声明中表示,该项目将会是密西西比河东部最大的非公用事业单位所有的太阳能项目。LRE的首席执行官Declan Flanagan表示:“这个极富创新的项目清楚地表明,即便在目前经济形势非常不好的条件下,当合适的政策到位时,投资很快可以跟上,以解决最急需的能源基础设施问题。这不仅可以造福清洁能源产业,也缓解了就业压力,并对当地的税收起到很大的推动作用。”

总的来说,LRE表示该公司目前在建的项目有30个,这些项目分布在美国的10个州,总额达750 MW。在关于该公司的其他新闻中,曾在Schott Solar以及First Solar公司任职的Richard Gruber,已被任命为LRE的业务开发高级副总裁。他将主要负责LRE公司在德克萨斯州奥斯汀新建的办事处。


美国密苏里州太阳能补助方案(Solar Rebate Program)本周在两个关键性决议中获得了有力的支持。首先,密苏里州公共服务委员会(PSC)投票一致决定否决Ameren以及KCPL公司停止太阳能补助方案的请求。密苏里州公共服务委员会要求他们继续支付补助,为期至少120天。

太阳能及可再生能源的第二个重大胜利是科尔县巡回法官Daniel Green撤销了他在6月29日做出的关于太阳能补助是违反宪法的裁决。密苏里州零售商协会曾就每瓦2美元的补助起诉密苏里州公共服务委员会。在密苏里州可再生能源行业协会以及密苏里州太阳能行业协会的律师干预下,Green表示他将在未来一个月之内考虑他们关于干预该起诉的申请。

这对密苏里州的太阳能企业来说是个好消息,这些企业曾担心会发生大规模的裁员。同样,对密苏里州公用事业的客户来说也是一个好消息,这些客户现在可以再次为25千瓦规模的太阳能系统申请高达5万美元的补助。MOSEIA的总裁Dane Glueck表示:“到目前为止,太阳能补助方案已经使圣路易斯以及堪萨斯城地区新增数百个家用及商业太阳能系统,并使密苏里州的太阳能产业从在2008年时不到五家企业增长到今天的超过35家。”

虽然这两条消息令人欢欣鼓舞,但它们只能为密苏里州的太阳能计划带来短期的死缓。“现在我们真正需要的是让大家理解和接受太阳能以及可再生资源的积极影响,以带领我们走向更加安全、稳定的能源未来,”密苏里州可再生能源协会的董事PJ Wilson表示。“这种情况出现的越早,对我们大家就越好。”

California Leading US Solar Industry

Editor’s Note: The U.S. state of California is to continue its solar lead in the country in terms of installed capacity, with predictions that 7.5 gigawatts (GW) will be added there between 2010 and 2015. If the forecasts are correct, this will take overall installed capacity to 8.4 GW by 2015. The research company’s Michael Sheppard attributes the state’s solar strength to its plentiful sunshine and positive political support.

This year, installed photovoltaic capacity in California is set to reach 967 megawatts (MW) – said to be the highest in the country – while it is believed that next year, 1.2 GW worth of power will be generated from the renewable energy source. Shepard says that, in comparison, states of a similar size, like New Mexico and Arizona, are expected to install around just 300 MW in the same time period. Outside of the top 10 states where solar generation will be highest, combined PV capacity from the lowest 40 states will add up to just 395 MW, also merely one-third of California capacity.

California: First Solar Receives Approval for 550 MW PV Project

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has approved the Desert Sunlight Solar Farm, a 550-megawatt (MW) solar power project to be built in the California desert east of Palm Springs. The solar-photovoltaic facility will create more than 630 jobs at peak construction and infuse an estimated $336 million into the local economy. When built, Desert Sunlight will generate enough energy to power over 165,000 homes.

“The Desert Sunlight Solar Farm is the largest photovoltaic facility Interior has approved thus far and, when built, will help power our nation and economy,” Secretary Salazar said. “With 12 large-scale solar projects approved in the last 18 months, we continue to make significant strides in spurring innovation, job-creation, and investment in the private sector while strengthening America’s energy security.”

Located on approximately 4,100 acres of public lands, the solar project will be developed and operated by Desert Sunlight Holdings, LLC, a subsidiary of First Solar Inc. The facility will use First Solar’s thin film photovoltaic (PV) technology, which generates electricity with low visual impact, no air emissions, waste production or water use, and has the smallest carbon footprint of any PV technology.

In June, the U.S. Department of Energy granted Desert Sunlight a conditional commitment of a $1.88 billion loan guarantee. The project, about six miles north of the rural community of Desert Center, is expected to generate $336 million for the local economy from indirect benefits, including $197 million in wages. More than three quarters of the total impact will be occur during the construction period, with the remainder taking place over the project’s 25-year operating period. The project will also generate about $27 million in sales and property tax revenue to Riverside County.

The Desert Sunlight project is part of Interior’s priority approach to processing existing applications for renewable energy development on public lands in a coordinated, focused manner with full environmental analysis and public review. It is the 12th solar project to advance since Secretary made renewable energy a priority for the Department in March 2009, and the 3rd solar project in 2011. In July, Salazar approved two utility-scale solar developments in California, a wind energy project in Oregon, and a transmission line in Southern California that together will create more than 1,300 construction jobs and provide a combined 550 megawatts of electricity.

California: 500 MW Blythe project abandons CSP in favor of PV

The first 500 megawatt (MW) phase of the one gigawatt Blythe solar project will be converted to use photovoltaics instead of concentrated solar power (CSP). In a surprising turnaround, Solar Millennium AG made the announcement, along with its U.S. subsidiary, Solar Trust of America. The reason cited was the current "favorable" conditions in both the photovoltaic and the U.S. commercial lending markets.

When asked if the project, expected to be the largest of its kind when completed, will use photovoltaics or CSP in its remaining phase, a spokesperson said, "This depends on the market conditions. CSP can be added if the market conditions change." They added that, due to the fact the project has to be "partly re-permitted", grid connection delays - originally set for 2014 - are expected. However, they said that financing and construction should be realized faster.

Meanwhile, in terms of converting the Blythe site to photovoltaics, the construction work, which began back in June, and has included building roads and fencing, can be used without any changes.

In a statement released, Solar Millennium and Solar Trust of America have said they are now in discussions with unnamed, "leading" photovoltaic panel manufacturers, and engineering, procurement and construction contractors. In a statement, Christoph Wolff, Solar Millennium CEO, explained, "Solar Millennium responds quickly and pragmatically to market conditions, and at the moment the California market favors PV technology. We are taking decisive steps in the U.S. to maximize site value for our company and our shareholders." Back in April, the parties involved were offered a conditional commitment for a U.S. $2.1 billion loan guarantee from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), to develop 500 MW of CSP.

The spokesperson additionally said that CSP is "too unknown" for commercial funding, and that the timeline of August, given to them by the DOE, was "too short to realize non-commercial FC for Blythe as a CSP project". They added, "DoE understands the benefits of CSP, but the tariff structures do not take these benefits under consideration, yet."

Solar Millennium, which primarily operates in the CSP market, says the technology will still remain its key focus. Wolff stated, "Our long-term strategy remains unchanged. We see solid demand for CSP in the world's growth markets such as Africa, the Middle East, India and China. This is also true for Southern Europe where we have just achieved financial close on our fourth CSP plant in Spain."

California: 8minutenergy and Gestamp given go-ahead to develop 335 MW of PV

8minutenergy Renewables and Gestamp Solar have signed a Generation Interconnection Agreement (GIA) with California’s Imperial Irrigation District (IID), under which they will develop 335 megawatts (MW) worth of photovoltaic projects. The agreement, said to be one of the first of its kind in Imperial Valley, will reportedly see a quarter of a billion dollars invested into upgrading the IID. The 335 MW are split into five separate photovoltaic projects. In total, the projects are expected to create over 1,000 construction jobs and 55 permanent positions in Imperial County.

The first project to be constructed will be the 50 MW Chocolate Mountains Solar Farm. When complete, it will cover an area of 320 acres in the foothills of the Chocolate Mountains, near the Salton Sea, and should generate enough energy to supply over 25,000 households.

According to a statement released, "Construction, commissioning and synchronizing to begin transmitting energy to the grid are projected for the fourth quarter of 2012 or early 2013." 8minutenergy and Gestamp are also aiming to get their Calipatria II solar PV farms online within the next 15 months. Comprised of two 50 MW systems, they are expected to occupy an area of nearly 600 acres when complete. Details of the other projects were not disclosed. It is also not clear which equipment manufacturers will be used, or how much has been invested into the overall partnership. The statement did say, however, that the projects are considered in-state resources and will be located on disturbed, low-productivity and irrigated farmland.

Overall, 8minutenergy is currently developing 12 utility-scale photovoltaic projects, ranging between 50 MW and 200 MW, in the Imperial Valley. They are projected to create $2.3 billion in total economic output and 240 new jobs.

California: Barclays to partner K Road Power’s utility scale projects

K Road Power has announced that it will partner with Barclays Natural Resource Investments (BNRI) on the development of its utility scale solar power portfolio. K Road is currently developing 11 plants worth nearly 2.3 gigawatts (GW).

Of K Road’s significant projects to be realized in the near term, the 850 MW Calico solar project in San Bernadino County, California, is set to become of the world’s largest. The Calico project was sold by Tessera Solar to K Road in December 2010 for an undisclosed amount. When purchasing the project, K Road took the decision to include 750 megawatts (MW) of photovoltaic modules instead of entirely relying on solar thermal technology. Another project, the 350 MW Moapa project in Las Vegas, has been fast-tracked by the government.

California: 2 MW project for low-income families

In what is believed to be the country’s largest publicly funded photovoltaic installation for affordable housing, the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara (HACSB) has installed residential solar systems for 863 low-income housing units. The project cost USD$12.25 million. SolarWorld was the firm behind the project and 7,200 of its modules were used. Solar installations went up in 21 sites around Santa Barbara County. Three different electricity utilities were also involved in facilitating the project. Local firm Planet Solar was the installer.

"SolarWorld is heartened to be part of a project that delivers the benefits of solar technology to low-income members of our community," said Kevin Kilkelly, President of SolarWorld Americas, in a statement announcing the project’s completion. Previously, SolarWorld has been involved in affordable housing photovoltaic projects in California. The company claims its solar panels have been used in low-income projects through the U.S. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held north of the city of Santa Barbara yesterday.

The project, which is understood to be the largest of 3,200 similar solar projects nationwide, received USD$6 million in federal funding. Congresswoman Lois Capps highlighted the benefit of the installations for both job creation and savings for low-income families. "The installation of these new solar panels created good paying jobs, and will result in lower energy bills for families throughout Santa Barbara County for years to come."

Nevada: 150 MW expansion of Copper Mountain solar complex

Californian utility Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has announced that it has entered into a deal with Sempra Generation for a 150 megawatt (MW) expansion of the vast Copper Mountain photovoltaic complex in the state of Nevada. The project will utilize First Solar ground mounted thin-film modules. Construction of the 1,100-acre solar plant is scheduled to begin in 2012. The first 92 MW of panels are expected to be in place by January 2013, with the remaining 58 MW in 2015. PG&E has the option to bring the schedule for the second phase forward.

In announcing the partnership, which will triple the output of the plant, Sempra Generation’s Jeffrey W. Martin said, "Copper Mountain Solar 2 is another exciting step forward on our plan to construct 1,000 megawatts of additional renewable capacity by 2015".

San Diego-based Sempra Generation and First Solar installed the first phase of the 48 MW Copper Mountain solar installation, which at present is the largest photovoltaic solar power plant in the country. It was completed in late 2010.

Late last month PG&E released its "Smart Grid plan", which will integrate communications, computing, sensing and control technologies into its infrastructure. The plan aims lower costs, increase reliability and to detect and restore outages more quickly. It will also allow households and businesses to reduce their usage through better monitoring. At present SmartMeter systems can view their previous day’s hourly electricity usage online, so they can use electricity more wisely.

New Jersey: 10 MW solar project under construction

Lincoln Renewable Energy (LRE) has started construction on a 10 megawatt (MW) solar project in New Jersey, the U.S.The New Jersey Oak Solar Project, which is slated for completion later this year, is located in the Fairfield Township, Cumberland County. Spread across 100 acres, it will comprise 55,000 photovoltaic panels when finished.

According to a statement issued by LRE, it will be the largest non-utility-owned solar project east of the Mississippi. CEO Declan Flanagan commented,"This highly innovative project clearly demonstrates that when the right policies are in place, investment will flow to create much needed energy infrastructure, even in the current difficult economy. The result is not just clean energy, but much needed employment and a major boost to the local tax base."

Overall, LRE says it is currently developing 30 projects in 10 states, worth a total of 750 MW. In other company news, Richard Gruber, who has previously worked for both Schott Solar and First Solar, has been appointed as LRE’s senior vice president of Business Development. He will be based in the company's newly established office in Austin, Texas.

Missouri: Solar energy gets reprieve

The Missouri solar rebate program, enacted by voters in Prop C's Renewable Energy Standard, received strong support this week in two critical decisions. First, the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC) voted unanimously to deny Ameren and KCPL's requests to stop their solar rebate programs. The PSC ordered them to continue paying the rebates for at least 120 days.

The second major victory for solar and renewable energy was Cole County Circuit Judge Daniel Green's setting aside of his previous ruling from June 29th that the solar rebates were unconstitutional. The $2 per watt rebate was challenged by a lawsuit brought by the Missouri Retailers Association against the PSC. Attorneys for Renew Missouri and the Missouri Solar Energy Industries Association filed motions to intervene in the case, and Green announced he will consider their applications for intervention over the next month.

This is good news for Missouri solar businesses who feared massive layoffs, as well as for all Missouri utility customers who will now, once again, be able to apply for up to $50,000 apiece in rebates to go towards solar systems up to 25 kilowatts in size. Dane Glueck, president of MOSEIA, said, "So far, the solar rebate program has resulted in hundreds of new solar arrays on homes and businesses in the St Louis and Kansas City areas, and grown Missouri's solar industry from less than five companies in 2008 to over 35 today."

Although these positive recent actions are a step in the right direction, they only provide a short-term reprieve for Missouri's solar program. "What is needed is for all parties to understand and embrace the positive impacts of solar and renewable energy in order to move us into a more secure, stable energy future," explained PJ Wilson Director of Renew Missouri. "The sooner this happens, the better for our state."


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