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来源:Solarbe.com发布时间:2010-08-24 11:14:55作者:索比太阳能


Arizona utility SRP has launched its SRP Community Solar - a pilot program that allows public schools in the utility's service territory to purchase energy from a solar photovoltaic power plant to be built in 2011.
School districts will purchase a portion of the output from the solar facility for a fixed price of 9.9 cents per kilowatt hour for 10 years. Eighteen megawatts of energy will be allocated to this program, and each school's share of the solar plant will be individually metered.
The advantages to the program are that schools can invest in solar energy without the upfront costs of purchasing and installing solar panels and will not incur any maintenance or repair costs that may be associated with a rooftop system. In addition, the kilowatt-hour costs for the energy produced by the solar system is locked in for ten years. If the costs for electricity increases, the energy purchased through the Community Solar program will remain the same.

Participating school districts will also receive access to solar educational materials and a web portal, which will provide data on the plant's operation and performance. The information will allow students to learn about the benefits of solar energy and how capturing the sun to generate electricity is one of many renewable energy sources for the future.

SRP will retain and use the renewable energy credits from the plant to support the utility's sustainable portfolio. In 2004, SRP's Board of Directors voted to require that 15 percent of the energy generated comes from sustainable resources by 2025.



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