Tampa 电气公司是一家佛罗里达州的电力服务公司。该公司本周宣布,正在测试Petra电线杆上安装的太阳能电池板。如果这些电池板重量控制在65磅内,并可以在半小时内安装的话,此次合作便可以肯定。
Petra注意到,Tampa 电气实验只是目前正在进行的40个全国各地公用事业研究中的一个。该公司已在本周与一个公共服务的地方电力和天然气完成交易。根据该协议,佩特拉将在花园州的电线杆上安装20万块,足以产生40兆瓦清洁电力的三晖面板。
New Jersey-based Petra Solar, Inc. is get ting the attention of energy experts in other states.
Tampa Electric Co., an electric utility serving the Tampa, Florida area, announced this week that it was testing Petra's utility pole-mounted solar panels. The utility will determine if the panels - which weigh no more than 65 pounds and can be installed in half an hour - are effective in the Florida sunshine.
Petra notes that the Tampa Electric test is just one of 40 that it is currently engaged in with utilities around the country. The company already has a deal in place with Public Service Electric & Gas in its home state. Under that agreement, Petra will install its SunWave panels on 200,000 utility poles in the Garden State - enough to generate 40 megawatts of clean power.
Typically, solar installations are made on rooftops or wide-open spaces on the ground. Yet Petra is targeting a unique market - otherwise unused utility poles.
The company's SunWave systems also contribute to the development of next-generation smart grids by ensuring a steady, reliable flow of electricity.
投稿与新闻线索联系:010-68027865 刘小姐:news@solarbe.com
3月19日,海源复材公告宣布,经与全椒县人民政府友好协商后签订《解除协议书》,决定终止项目合作;并将滁州赛维能源科技有限公司100%股权以 3800 万元的价格转让给浙江爱旭太阳能科技有限公司,转让完成后,公司将不再持有滁州能源公司股权。
海源复材TOPCon光伏电池光伏行业该项目位于“水乡明珠”江都区武坚镇,总投资16亿元,基于6000余亩蟹塘,装机规模达250MW,项目全部采用晶澳科技n型旗舰产品DeepBlue 4.0 Pro的“明星版型”—— 2465mm*1134mm(72片)产品,该项目也是扬州最大的n型光伏项目之一。
钙钛矿光伏行业光伏电池日前,横店东磁太阳能获国际权威调研机构EUPD Research颁发的2024年荷兰市场“顶级光伏品牌(TOP Brand PV Modules)”荣誉。此项荣誉肯定了横店东磁太阳能在组件产品性能及可靠性、品牌影响力以及欧洲市场出货表现。