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Evergreen Solar新光伏发电厂选址Neustrelitz

发表于:2010-06-04 13:54:39     作者:Unkown 来源:Solar Be 翻译

    Evergreen Solar((常青太阳能)今天宣布,在Neustrelitz(施特雷利茨)新建8兆瓦太阳能发电厂,德国使用Evergreen Solar生产的太阳能板已超过7 MW。Evergreen Solar成为史上安装规模最大的太阳能组件公司。
   该项目是由IBC SOLAR Invest与Neustrelitz(施特雷利茨市)共同设计安装的。该项目中大约34,000管带使用了Evergreen Solar生产的200,205 VG太阳能电池板,产生电力可满足2600多户用户的需求,每年可为该地区减少4480吨二氧化碳排量。
   此次安装地址位于前苏联军事训练基地。安装之前,IBC SOLAR进行了弹药清除,确保25万平方米土地 完全安全无任何地雷隐患。

   Evergreen Solar announced today that an 8-megawatt power plant in Neustrelitz, Germany used more than 7 megawatts of panels manufactured by Evergreen Solar. It is Evergreen Solar’s largest installation in company history.

   The project, which was designed and installed by IBC SOLAR Invest in cooperation with the city of Neustrelitz, uses approximately 34,000 IBC Polysol String Ribbon 200, 205 VG solar panels made by Evergreen Solar. It will provide enough electricity to power more than 2,600 homes in the area and will save more than 4,480 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually.

   The installation is located on a former Soviet military training base. Prior to the installation, IBC SOLAR undertook a munitions recovery service to ensure the land –approximately 250,000 square meters in size – is now completely safe and free of any hidden mines.



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