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来源:solarbe.com发布时间:2007-07-02 23:49:59作者:Solarbe.com

The Airport City, which has hitherto developed in somewhat arbitrary fashion (hotels, administrative buildings, etc.), will form part of a firmly- knit urban development plan, into which the present fabric will be integrated. The area will be bounded by a ring-shaped bypass and have an internal one-way traffic system running in opposite directions. Little pocket parks will enable the city’s business park to blend into the natural surroundings. The architects’ airport expansion project involves a modular construction system that is appropriate to the high degree of repetition and meets the (economic) need for standardised materials, details and functional units. There are four levels above ground and one below ground in certain segments (where the trains run on sunken track).

The main structure is a steel-framed building in which prefabricated units are used for the ceilings (with the exception of the core areas). This is a very economic solution even where the spans are long. The building is topped by a ventilated roof with a metal sheet covering. The facades are 21 metres high, rising to 24 metres at the ridge. Significantly, the terminal’s upper floors are set off by the fa?ade’s vertical air spaces.
The architects’ underlying aim is to produce a trinity of transparency, translucence and luminosity. In other words, the new Skylink will be a fascinating experience no matter what the perspective or the time of day. Entering the building beneath the canopy, visitors pass through a section of the fa?ade that opens out go form a draught lobby. Emerging from this relatively low air lock they find themselves on the land side in a high-ceilinged hall. Transparent facades afford a view from here of the air side, thus effectively highlighting the links between the airfield and the building.

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