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来源:solarbe发布时间:2010-08-31 18:33:36作者:solarbe


这种控制算法的水平方位角以及垂直方位角的计算精准度达到了不可思议的+ - 0.001度。因此也可以被用于其他设备或者装置。例如建筑自动化或者风力涡轮机上。


26.08.2010: In order to bring cost-effective and high-performance embedded PC-based control to solar power plants, Beckhoff Automation has released the TwinCAT Solar Position Algorithm library. This feature-laden function block permits the exact calculation of sun angles anywhere in the world at any time,

without the use of sensors. This flexible TwinCAT solution is ideal for parabolic mirror and photovoltaic systems as well as for other solar power plant designs that automatically track the sun's position for optimum utilization of the sun's rays. The control algorithm, which calculates the zenith and azimuth angles of the sun with an impressive precision of ±0.001°, can also be used for other applications such as in building automation or with wind turbines for shadow flicker calculations. The TwinCAT Solar Position Algorithm software library enables high-precision determination of sun angles and the times for sunrise, solar noon and sunset year-round. The calculation of sun angles with the TwinCAT library simply requires the specification of the date, time and exact longitude and latitude of the location (e.g. through a GPS system). Depending on the required precision, the algorithm can take into account additional parameters such as the time zone, the height above mean sea level, the slope of the ground or the orientation of the object, as well as the air temperature and pressure, which influence atmospheric refraction. …

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