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Virasa, Calensia在埃及打造太阳能

来源:Solarbe.com发布时间:2010-08-23 14:16:57作者:索比太阳能

Virasa能源公司和 Virasa能源公司和两家公司合并成为SilicoTek BV,并在埃及的苏伊士投资建设太阳能项目。最初能源生产阶段的是以混合甲烷硅和多晶硅每年各自生产单位分别600和2500TPA,太阳能组件每年产量每年产50MW。



Virasa Technologies Inc. and Calensia BV have formed a joint venture, SilicoTek BV, to carry out a planned investment of an integrated solar complex in Suez, Egypt. The initial phase of the complex will include monosilane and polysilicon production units with annual capacities of 600 and 2500 TPA, respectively, and a solar module production unit with annual capacity of 50 MW.

The plant will be built on 210,000 square meters in an industrial zone northwest of the Gulf of Suez, which will allow for a next phase of expansion. An additional 110,000 square meters will be reserved for complementary downstream investments in the solar value chain, the companies add. The plant is targeted to begin production in the fourth quarter of 2012.

Virasa and SilicoTek will also jointly build a research and development center to develop and commercially demonstrate new silicon-based technologies.


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