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来源:Solarbe.com发布时间:2010-08-16 13:12:48作者:索比太阳能

    近日, 来自昆士兰大学的研究人员在西北昆士兰镇利用太阳能技术净化地下水。
    而来自伊萨山以南的达贾拉就地下水质量和味道方面早已经做出多年提议。研究人员们在社区会堂的屋顶上安装了太阳能电池板,看其是否将净化水。 发言人 Lance Newey博士说,目前,研究小组正在试验该项技术,并希望在该镇其他建筑物上使用。

       Solar power used to purify bore water
Researchers are using solar technology to purify bore water in a north-west Queensland town.
Dajarra, south of Mount Isa, has had issues with the quality and taste of its bore water for several years.
Researchers from the University of Queensland have set up solar panels on the roof of the community hall to see if it will purify the water.
Spokesman Dr Lance Newey says the team is trialing the technology, and hopes to use it on other buildings in the town.



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