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新一代泳池清洁机器人Solar Breeze闪亮登场

来源:Solarbe.com发布时间:2010-08-06 17:24:56作者:索比太阳能

    所有人都喜欢干净的泳池,如果你幸运的在自己的后院拥有一个的话,你可定希望它保持干净。 现在清洁机器人可以帮你如愿以偿。现在,你不用花钱请人帮忙了,你只需要随时关注以下最新推出的太阳能游泳池清洁机器人——Solar Breeze 。
    Solar Breeze在两年前推出的原模型上不断更新。该装置可脱脂去污垢,清除池面的碎屑、花粉及防晒油,这一切的动力都将完全采用太阳。
    太阳能将用于设备的充电电池,该电池即使在太阳落山后也依然可适用。机器人内置移动软件帮助它朝着阳光的地方有更多的移动。这一最新版本机器人太阳能电池板输出能力比原来的大了300%,并配有新的无刷马达, 拥有3万多小时的使用寿命。这将为使用者节约499美元。

                                   Solar Breeze Unveils Its Next-generation Pool Cleaner Robot

Everybody likes to clean swimming pools, and if you're lucky enough to have one in your own back yard, you'll probably want to keep it clean. Instead of shelling out money for hired help, you could always check out the latest robotic solar pool cleaner,
Solar Breeze, which has been updated from the original model that was released two years back. The device will skim the dirt, debris, pollen, and suntan oils from the surface of the pool, and can be powered entirely by the sun.
The solar energy is used to charge the device's batteries, allowing it to continue working even through the sun is down. Its built-in software helps it move towards areas that have more sunlight. This latest version offers 300 percent greater output capacity from its solar panels, and features a new brush-less motor that has a life of 30,000 hours. It'll set you back $499, but if that helps you keep your pool clean, it'll probably be worth your money.

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