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发表于:2010-08-03 00:01:52     作者:Jeff Kart、 Bay City 来源:Solar Be 翻译

    Enbridge正与第一太阳能合作,将Ontario州的Sarnia太阳能项目从20兆瓦扩大到80兆瓦。该项目9月完工后将成为北美规模最大的太阳能发电站。现有的20兆瓦电站于 2009年12月开始全面投入商业运作。
    太阳能项目有何益处?环保意识会告诉你,我们需要打破对化石燃料的依赖,这要求我们转移到风能、太阳能等的清洁能源使用上。Enbridge参与Sarnia 太阳能项目正好说明太阳能是石油的一个很好的替代。这种比较有别于红苹果与青苹果之间的同类比较,但它存在是使用太阳能能还是石油,选择全球气候变暖还是无温室气体排放的差异。目前,美国绿色能源发电得到了广大公众的支持,即使它的成本更高一点。
    Enbridge公司规模庞大,涉足生意范围广泛。大多数依赖于安装能源的能源公司都在做一些绿色项目。 80兆瓦的太阳能每年毕竟只有满足约12,800家,减少大气中39,000吨二氧化碳排放。在美国和加拿大境内经营着世界上最长原油及石油液体运输系统的Enbridge公司要为绿色能源做的事还有很多很多。


                                 Enbridge 北美石油输送系统

    Enbridge is working with First Solar to expand the Sarnia Solar Project in Ontario from 20 megawatts to 80 megawatts. When completed in September, the facility is expected to be the largest of its kind in North America, notes a recent dispatch from the Michigan Energy Office. The existing 20-megawatt plant began full commercial operation in December 2009.

    What of the solar project? Well, the environmentally minded will tell you that we need to break our addiction to fossil fuels, and that includes a move to clean energy sources, like wind and .... solar. Enbridge's involvement with the Sarnia project goes to show that there's an alternative to oil. The comparison isn't exactly apples to apples, but it's fossils versus sun and global warming versus no greenhouse gas emissions. There is public support for green energy generation in the U.S., even if it costs a little more.
    Enbridge is a huge company, and has its hands in a lot of pots. Most every energy company is doing something green, while continuing to rely on dirty, old-school sources of energy. Eighty megawatts of solar, after all, is only enough to power 12,800 homes and keep about 39,000 tons of CO2 a year out of the atmosphere.



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