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SKY solar 公司建立的3.178MW太阳能光伏电站成功入网

来源:路透社发布时间:2010-07-22 15:08:26作者:solarcreator

2010年7月16日报,仅仅30天,德国一个空旷的场地便奇迹般的变成了3.178MW电厂,并将电力顺利入网。SKY solar公司就此刷新了建设大型太阳能电厂的建厂速度。
2010年7月,由SKY solar公司建立的位于Ansbach的德国太阳能电厂成功连入当地电网。

3.178MW solar power plant established by SKY SOLAR successfully connected to grid
16.07.2010: Only 30 days, from the naked ground till acceptance to the connection to local grid in Germany, Sky Solar refreshed the record of developing large-scale ground solar power plant in Germany. June 30, 2010, a 3.178MW solar power plant in Ansbach, Germany was successfully connected to local grid. This plant was setup by
SKY SOLAR, a world leading provider turn-key solar power solutions and Zongyi (Cayman) Solar Elecric Power Co., Ltd. …


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