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发表于:2010-05-12 15:57:53     作者: Syanne Olson 来源:PV-tech

    AE Polysilicon,茂迪实业的子公司,宣布在其专有的商业规模的流化床反应器(快堆)的多晶硅在费尔利斯希尔斯,美国宾夕法尼亚,成功地研制出来。 快堆技术,据说有可能降低生产硅锭和硅片的成本。
    AE Polysilicon期待尽快通过FBR的相关实验,并在接下来的几个月内投入商业生产。在满负载的情况下,工厂初期能保证每年250兆瓦的供电量。

AE Polysilicon, a subsidiary of Motech Industries, has announced the successful deposit of polysilicon in its proprietary commercial-scale fluidized bed reactors (FBR) at its Fairless Hills, PA, location. FBR technology is said to have the potential to decrease the cost of manufacturing silicon ingots and wafers.

“I am very proud of our entire team for reaching this milestone” said York Tsuo, president of AE Polysilicon. “For nearly five years we have been developing this innovative process, and this milestone validates our technology platform. Creating an innovative polysilicon production process requires not only extensive technical and operational expertise but dedication and commitment to a vision to
advance the solar industry with innovative polysilicon technology.”

AEP is looking to complete its FBR testing and begin commercial production over the next months. At full capacity, the initial facility will be able to produce around 250MW of installed solar energy per year. Full capacity is expected sometime in late 2011.




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