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Aide Solar太阳能电池组件厂在徐州隆重开幕

来源:PV-tech.org发布时间:2010-04-28 16:05:49作者: Syanne Olson

Aide Solar---Panjit集团的一个子公司,要在徐州隆重开幕。新设施占地100多万平方英尺,可以将聚合单晶硅光伏组件的生产能力提高40%,即每年可达到350兆瓦的产能。新工厂有12条太阳能电池生产线,员工人数达到1184人。

Aide Solar, a subsidiary of The Panjit Group, publicized the grand opening of its Xuzhou, China solar cell module production facility. At over 1 million square feet, the new facility is reported to be able to increase the company’s poly and mono-crystalline silicon PV module capacity by 40% - a grand total of 350MW per year. The new plant has 12 solar cell production lines and brings the Aide Solar employee count to 1,184 people worldwide.

“We see the U.S. as presenting an explosive long-term growth opportunity for solar power,” said Raymond C. Wiley, director of North America Sales for Aide Solar and member of the Arizona Department of Commerce’s Green Economy Advisory Committee. “Solar generated power is the only alternative energy technology that can be deployed and scaled to meet demand requirements in the shortest amount of time. The additional module production capacity from our new facility in China will allow us to respond to the high volume, rapid growth requirements that Aide Solar is seeing in the U.S. and around the world.”

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