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来源:Solarbe.com发布时间:2010-04-08 15:43:25作者:索比太阳能





IBC solar to advise the Chinese government in the expansion of renewable
energy sources

Chinese delegation at IBC SOLAR in Bad Staffelstein to sign the contract
Bad Staffelstein, 1st of April 2010 – The German photovoltaic specialist
IBC SOLAR will support the People's Republic of China by training and
certifying photovoltaic installers. The photovoltaics specialist
received a delegation from the Chinese Ministry of Construction this
week for the signing of the cooperation contract that also includes the
certification of photovoltaic systems. The visit marks a successful
impetus for the expansion of renewable energy sources in China over the
coming years. The Chinese government plans to establish one of the
world's largest photovoltaic markets by 2015. Yao Bing explained: "We
have decided to work with IBC SOLAR due to their very good reputation
and their long-term experience."

The cooperation with the Ministry of Construction of the People's
Republic of China offers great opportunities for both sides: IBC SOLAR
will share its experience in the training of installers in
building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems as well as the
development of standardized certification guidelines for PV systems. The
Chinese Ministry of Construction plans to introduce jointly developed
training standards for Chinese installers.

"This cooperation is a great recognition of the achievements of our
company" explained Udo Möhrstedt, founder and Chairman of the Board of
IBC SOLAR. "With our know-how we can make a contribution to advancing
the development of photovoltaic power generation in China and implement
a regenerative energy supply along German standards in the world's
fastest growing market. This will also give us a strategic advantage
should we considder to enter the market at a later stage."

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Becker from Munich University of Applied Sciences
presented existing projects using building-integrated photovoltaics
(BIPV), which met the interest of Deputy Minister of Construction, Yao
Bing, who is also President of the Committee for Building-integrated
Photovoltaics in the People's Republic of China (BIPVCN):
"Building-integrated photovoltaic projects are a new and innovative
approach in the construction sector. We know that 40 percent of all
electricity is consumed by buildings. The buildings of the future will
no longer consume energy but rather generate it." Looking into the
future, he added: "The Chinese government aims to reduce CO2 emissions.
This target will allow us to exert pressure on companies to use
regenerative energies. As a result, the PV industry in China will grow
over the coming years."

During the celebrations at the Banz monastery, Udo Möhrstedt and Norbert
Hahn from the IBC SOLAR Board of Directors were appointed as consultants
to the Chinese government. The leader of the delegation, Yao Bing, and
Liang Yue Feng, Manager of the Commission for roof-mounted photovoltaic
systems and building-integrated photovoltaics, were accompanied by a
delegation of Chinese construction experts and business representatives.
The German government was represented by the Bavarian Minister of the
Interior, Joachim Herrmann.

IBC SOLAR is a leading global photovoltaic specialist for photovoltaic
systems, offering complete solutions for power production from solar
energy. The firm covers the entire spectrum, from planning to the
turnkey handover of photovoltaic installations. Globally, IBC SOLAR has
already implemented more than 100,000 turnkey photovoltaic systems with
a total power output of 800 megawatt (MWp). The scale of these
installations ranges from large photovoltaic power stations and solar
parks which feed electricity into the network, to off-grid systems. IBC
SOLAR sells its photovoltaic components and systems through an extensive
network of trade partners. As general contractor, the photovoltaic
integrator plans and implements large scale solar projects. Through
maintenance and monitoring, IBC SOLAR ensures an optimal performance of
the solar park.

IBC SOLAR was founded in 1982 in Bad Staffelstein. IBC SOLAR is
represented by several subsidiaries around the world and currently
employs around 300 employees, of which approximately 210 are in Germany.
The international business group IBC SOLAR is directed from its
headquarters in Bad Staffelstein.

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