Public Service Electric and Gas 公司 (PSE&G)选中,为其在新泽西的一个大型光伏项目提供光伏组件。 根据双方协议,ET太阳能将提供为Newark Camden for a photovoltaic project for Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G), the largest publicly owned
gas emissions annually, equivalent to taking more than 2,500 cars off the road, according their efforts to reduce, offset or displace more than 15 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions
Powerlink13.07.2010: San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) has received approval to move forward with construction that will create much needed jobs, lower greenhouse gas emissions and bolster reliability for the region’s
, according to new figures from the British Gas Green Streets programme, which have been unveiled. British Gas' research shows that solar panels on Britain's religious buildings could generate over 29
, south of Cairo, which is expected to be finished later this year and will produce 20 MW of solar power alongside 120 MW of conventional natural gas power.