October, 2013
近期发表的光伏电池技术正面电极金属浆料材料的专利。在提交联邦法院的文件中,杜邦公司宣称,贺利氏及SolarWorld制造、销售或采用贺利氏正面电极银导电浆料,已侵害杜邦公司美国专利8158504 B2号 。杜邦公司投入大量资源,以科学创新应对全球挑战,并通过完善的专利制度保护其知识财产。杜邦电子与通讯事业部总裁戴维米勒(David B. Miller)表示。我们在正面及背面电极金属浆料技术领域的领先
, Kyocera, Panasonic-Sanyo become top solar panel producers in the world. Since the 2009 from Sanyo, Panasonic and Sharp. Some facilities are not severely damaged, but what impacts
, Kyocera, Panasonic-Sanyo become top solar panel producers in the world. Since the 2009 from Sanyo, Panasonic and Sharp. Some facilities are not severely damaged, but what impacts